International Classification of Sleep Disorders



Sleep Disorders Associated with Medical/Psychiatric Disorders

Proposed sleep disorders

Intrinsic sleep disorders Extrinsic sleep disorders Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders Arousal Disorders Parasomnias usually associated with REM sleep Other parasomnias Associated with Mental Disorders Associated with Neurological Disorders Associated with other medical disorders
Intrinsic sleep disorders Extrinsic sleep disorders Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
Psychophysiological insomnia
Sleep State Misperception
Idiopathic Insomnia
Recurrent Hypersomnia
Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Posttraumatic Hypersomnia
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Central sleep apnoea syndrome
Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
Periodic limb movement disorder

Restless legs syndrome

Inadequate sleep hygiene
Environmental sleep disorder
Altitude insomnia
Adjustment sleep disorder
Insufficient sleep syndrome
Limit-setting sleep disorder
Sleep-onset association disorder
Food allergy insomnia
Nocturnal eating (drinking) syndrome
Hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder
Stimulant-dependent sleep disorder
Alcohol-dependent sleep disorder
Toxin-induced sleep disorder
Time zone (jet lag) syndrome
Shift work sleep disorder
Irregular sleep-wake pattern
Delayed sleep phase syndrome
Advanced sleep phase syndrome

Non 24-hour sleep-wake disorder

Arousal Disorders Parasomnias usually associated with REM sleep Other parasomnias
Confusional arousals
Sleep terrors
Sleep paralysis
Impaired sleep-related penile erections
Sleep-related painful erections
REM sleep-related sinus arrest
REM sleep behaviour disorder
Sleep bruxism
Sleep enuresis
Sleep-related abnormal swallowing syndrome
Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia
Sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome
Primary snoring
Infant sleep apnoea
Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome
Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus
Sleep Disorders Associated with Medical/Psychiatric Disorders
Associated with Mental Disorders Associated with Neurological Disorders Associated with other medical disorders
Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder
Cerebral degenerative disorders
Fatal Familial Insomnia
Sleep-related epilepsy
Electrical status epilepticus of sleep
Sleep-related headaches
Sleeping Sickness
Nocturnal cardiac ischaemia
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Sleep-related asthma
Sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux
Peptic ulcer disease
Fibrositis syndrome
Proposed sleep disorders
Short sleeper
Long sleeper
Subwakefulness syndrome
Fragmentary myoclonus
Sleep hyperhidrosis
Menstrual-associated sleep disorder
Pregnancy-associated sleep disorder
Terrifying Hypnogogic Hallucinations
Sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea
Sleep-related larnyngospasm
Sleep choking syndrome

Update Requests
This page will be updated shortly to provide links to assessments, conventional care and self-help.  If you would like to be alerted when the update is complete, please mail us.  Let us know which disorder, if any, was of particular interest.

Insomnia classification 1877
Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service

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