What's new at neuronic?

It's time for a face-lift, so apologies if the site looks a little cranky? This isn't going to be a single, swift and immediate transition to a new style, etc. neuronic is a slightly idiosyncratic 'sleep' site and is maintained by Chris Idzikowski who runs the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service - SAAS (based in London and Ireland). Consequently, neuronic reflects the interests of the 'site administrator' - so sections that are usually up to date are, for example, the books that I have published most recently - Beating Insomnia (a successor to the Insomnia Kit), organisations I'm involved or have been involved with ( Royal Society of Medicine Sleep Medicine Section. ), the ( British Sleep Society ), The Sleep Directory (I used to edit at dmoz and still regard that as the best directory), UK sleep links, etc, etc. Those links are relatively up to date so the first section which has been neglected and is scheduled for a major rewrite over the next couple of weeks is Insomnia.

The front page of this site gives a strong clue as to its other interests.

The site is being overhauled. Many of the old sections are being updated.

The page below provides old links as well as new. Some of the new page are still in preparation but if links are available they are listed even if they are not annotated.

New sections listed below should become available late August:

Consumer miscellanea are located on the pureSleepCompany site.

Real and internet support is at the sleep specialists site.

neuronic site maintenance schedule

What's new in sleep?

Since the site started the biggest advance in our understanding of sleep and wakefulness has been identifying the role of orexin/hypocretin, but in some ways not much else has changed.

What's SAAS?

SAAS has been running for more than 10 years as a fee or contract based sleep support organisation, providing help directly to the sleepless and the insomniac. It originally started by using telephone and fax support but now runs primarily on the web (physical procedures and consultations are mainly located in London, UK).

Currently two links to SAAS

January 22 2004